Mahatma Gandhi, Freedom Fighters

Mahatma Gandhi, Freedom Fighters
Mahatma Gandhi

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born in 1869. He was born in Gujarat, India and spent several years in England and South Africa. He returned to India from South Africa to join the Liberation Movement against the British rulers.

Gandhi was a very live the life which he lived. At every opportunity, he was always looking for the answers to many questions in various fields. He intitule autobiography with "My experience of the Truth". In fact, throughout his life he spent to search for the truth and kept trying to find answers.

He started his career as a lawyer in South Africa. Once, on a trip on the train to Pretoria, Gandhi was asked to leave the passenger seat of one of the host class even though he had paid the ticket. Train conductor who is white was sarcastically said that in addition to the white man is not allowed to occupy the main class seats. But Gandhi refused and insisted on occupying the seat he had paid it. Because of this refusal, the conductor lowered Gandhi at a small station.

It is said that one of the events that later made him always fought for justice. He always pointed out that we can fight injustice without violence. When I was in South Africa that Gandhi started to develop his idea called Ahimsa or non-violence and teach the Indians who live there how to apply Ahimsa to overcome the injustice they experience. The method is also known as passive resistance or anti-cooperate with those who do injustice. Gandhi was convinced, by refusing to cooperate, the person will eventually realize his mistake and then stop the unjust attitude.

Gandhi succeeded in various business accomplishments in South Africa. However, it also is time he should come back to India is emerging by the various liberation movements of British authorities. He felt he was his duty to join and contribute to an ideal of "Indian Independence". Gandhi asked his followers in India to implement the teachings of Ahimsa and shows how these teachings can be part of India's freedom struggle.

While the movement continues to progress, Gandhi continued the search for truth and devise appropriate strategies to deal with the enemy. He called it Satyagraha - Truth Enforcement. Gandhi was convinced that by seeing the suffering of someone who uphold the truth will have no effect and will touch the conscience of the enemy. Satyagraha is then run extensively and effectively in the struggle for independence. This struggle finally reached a point where the UK could not survive against the thousands of people who menetangnya future, peaceful demonstration demanding independence. Gandhi assured to every effort and the struggle waged by those who tutored him in running the Satyagraha, and because of the teaching and training of this Satyagraha struggle to bring results.

Gandhi is still the opportunity to watch India's independence from British rule, but he was very sad to see clashes between Muslims and Hindus, as well as to the thousands of people who became victims of the Partition of India and Pakistan. Belief in the Brotherhood of Mankind (The Brotherhood of Man) remains unshaken even though India is now separated into India with a Hindu majority secular group, and Pakistan with a Muslim majority society, which then also divided into East Pakistan and West Pakistan. Gandhi at the end of his life mourning his doctrine of Satyagraha was unable to prevent the hatred between Hindus and Muslims that resulted in the parting of India. In 1948, Gandhi was killed in a house of worship by a Hindu fanatic who did not agree with the understanding of The Brotherhood of Man lead.
(The Biography Institute)
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